Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Sulfuring "House"

We needed a shed or some type of sealed room to sulfur the fruit in. It needed to be large enough to accommodate our 8x3 foot trays stacked about 4 feet tall and allow just enough room to circulate the sulfur smoke. The room needed a vent on top to draw the smoke through the entire area. Our solution was a portable 10x10 foot EZ-Up tent with removable sides. We would be able to put the tent half-way up, about 5 feet tall and attach the sides. The bottom of the sides would then be laid out on the ground and soil put on top of the edges to make a seal so we would not lose our
sulfur. To ensure the enclosure was sealed we will put another tarp (or plastic) over the entire enclosure.
The top of the tarp has a vent cut into it, (just a triangle shaped flap) to get the smoke to travel up through the trays and escape, curing the fruit in the process.The top of the tarp has a vent cut into it, (just a triangle shaped flap) to get the smoke to travel up through the trays and escape, curing the fruit in the process.

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