Sunday, April 17, 2011

Farm Logo & Collateral Materials

Our original logo was a simple outline of a walnut tree.

When we purchased our walnut farm in 1990, my father, a gifted amateur artist, designed a very simple yet attractive logo for us as a surprise gift. What a perfect way to kick off our new life. We loved our tree from the start, and we initially used it on our business cards.


Our marketing consultant Christina was enthusiastic about the logo and encouraged us to incorporate it into all aspects of the business.  A good logo, she told us, is the image that represents a company without necessarily displaying the name or product. (Think of the Nike logo.) It inspires a sense of confidence in customers that the business is worthy of their patronage. A quality logo is iconic and is used on every conceivable medium that a customer could see - from letterhead to website to promotional materials.

Our original logo was turned over to our graphic designer Arlene, and the results stunned us. She added colors, filled in the tree, and added a banner with our name and the phrase “family-owned since 1990.” She presented us with different design options, and we agreed on one version to be used on all our banners, business cards and flyers.

Arlene updated the original design with color, the banner on the bottom and the words.

Great logos should look good in black and white too.

We proudly wear our farm’s logowear – tee-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and aprons – to all our markets and special events. Our farmers’ market employees all wear logowear, and this contributes to our booth’s “look” and perception of professionalism. We made shirts which combined our logo with assorted taglines such as “Got Fruit?” “Eat Fresh” “Farmers’ Daughter” and “Next Generation Farmer.” We even have sold some shirts to our customers, who now serve as walking billboards for our farm. 


For our business name, Arlene selected a distinctive font called Nueva, a modern typeface that has interesting calligraphic features. It goes well with the logo.

Front of my business card



We have made banners for our market booths with our tree logo as the central visual element:

Above, the banner design from Arlene Graham. Below, the banner hanging in the back of our stall.
It's printed on a matte mesh fabric for less wind resistance, so it's more stable.
The banner, hanging in the back of our market stall.


All our packaged product labels are designed around the tree as the focal point. 

Label for bag of walnuts

Farmers' Market schedule

Arlene and Christina collaborated to make this beautiful 2-sided flyer which we hand out at our farm stand, farmers' markets and festivals.

Flyer Front
Flyer Back

Since our logo is now ubiquitous, the tree has become a recognizable symbol to our customer base. Based on customer feedback, I believe that that symbol has translated into customer trust and, ultimately, increased sales.

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