Sunday, April 17, 2011

Display is Your Best Selling Tool

I've been selling produce for close to 40 years. Here are some of my merchandising tips:
  • Pretend you are the customer and build your display up to eye level if possible. Props such as baskets, boxes and brightly colored material help.
  • Arrange the products in a neat and organized fashion. Never just dump it on the table; this is food so take care when you handle it.
  • Always check the product for signs of wear and tear. Dirty or crooked labels are a “no-no”. The customer never wants to buy the picked over products unless it is at a much reduced price.
  • When you think you are done, stand back take a look. Does your display scream BUY ME! If not, reevaluate. Consider, lighting, texture, color and accessibility.
  • Believe in your product and enjoy your job. Customers know if they are being conned.
  • And most importantly, SMILE. Always be approachable and friendly. You may have the nicest product but if you are having an attitude, you will take it all back home. The customer has too many options to put up with rude vendors.

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