Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Marketing Consultant

Christina loves to help farmers promote locally grown produce.
Our marketing consultant, Christina Abuelo, is an experienced nonprofit consultant and farmers’ market organizer. As executive director of an inner city agency on the East Coast, she increased the operating budget by tenfold over four years and developed an array of well-regarded programs in education, housing and health promotion. 

As the market manager for a group of farmers' markets in Northern California, she quintupled the budget and significantly increased the group’s profile in the media and the community. In addition, she worked with individual vendors to promote their products more effectively and has developed publicity campaigns, tasting events, media outreach, newspaper articles and special events.

For this project, Christina created copy and provided art direction for marketing materials, produced email newsletters, created and updated the farm’s website, contributed product recipes and conducted research for supply purchases.

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