Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Airport Sales Gig

This just goes to show, you never know who you might be talking to, your potential future has a bearing on every single person you come in contact with. A good example; we were selling our candy walnuts at the Farmers Market and  a repeat customer asked for more information and would we be interested in selling in large quantities? As it turned out she had several kiosks at the Sacramento International Airport. We were very excited this could be our big break!

In order to meet all the requirements for the Airport order we had to make numerous changes and upgrades.
Our contact person wanted a package that would sell for under $4 dollars and they expected to have a profit margin of 35%. We also had to redesign our labels to include nutrition facts, and UPC codes. Then there was the packaging... In order to sell our product for under $4, we needed to reduce the package size. Then we need to reduce it again to accommodate the mark-up margin and not loose money on our side. Our finally package size was a 4 ounce size that would lay flat or could be hung for display. Their cost would be around $1.40, which worked out to a 3 cent profit per bag for us. It's not much but we were trying to get our foot in the door. And hoped to sell larger amounts in the future.

The labeling was another challenge. We opted to include all the required information on a single label to save cost as opposed to 2 labels per package. One in front and one on back. And we needed to get UPC codes added. Nutrition facts and all other pert-nat contact information and place of orgagin. We decided we really wanted to keep our Tree Logo on the label too. Well that meant our labels were going to be rather large and our nut packages were rather small! We considered a wrap around label, but the nut packages were too flat to wrap around successfully. However if we turned the packages sideways that would give as plenty of room to attach the self-sticking label, and all the information would fit. Problem solved.

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