Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shade the Customer

One spring weekend we participated in a local Strawberry Festival. That meant all day in the hot  sun.

Even though we had our usual EZ-UP - a 10X10 foot portable tent - we weren't used to doing 12-hour days and coping with the ever-changing sun angle. We were unable to move our "portable" shade because of the curb we were on. So our packaged nuts began to sweat.

OH NO! Not sweaty nuts! My neighboring vendor let us borrow their 10-foot patio umbrella. Wow, what a difference. It saved the nuts!

But, more importantly, we also learned a very important lesson: If you create a cool and comfortable spot in the shade, people would gather and then visit longer, allowing you more time to sample your product, you'll increase sales. Even non-interested customers were more apt to buy because they overheard the yummy comments from the buying customers and then their curiosity got the best of them and more sales were made. I learned how important it is to not only protect your product, but protect your customer as well.

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